2023 How To Embed PDF In blogger [In 30 Second]
If you want to increase the user experience for your users on your blogger website, then in this article I will tell you how you can embed PDF in blogger and the process of embedding is only 30 seconds.
As most of you may not know about this thing that when you visit a lot of websites, you get to see fewer features in most of the websites and if you want a PDF, then you get to download it.
So this is a very useless experience for a user because he will download that PDF first, only then he will be able to see whether that PDF is of use to him or not.
Friends, with the help of this feature, here you can increase the user experience for the USER by adding some extra features to your website good traffic will go to your website, and from the point of view of S.EO, when the visitors will stay on your website for a long time.
If you gain more good experience, then your blog page will rank first, then today I will tell you about one feature in which when you embed a PDF, you will see the preview of that PDF on your blog page, so let’s know. how to embed pdf in blogger.
Follow the Steps For Embed Pdf In Blogger
Step 1:- Go to your blogger Dashboard.
Step 2:- Go to the page where you want to embed the pdf.
Step 3:- Now next step is you go to Google drive and upload a pdf file.
Step 4:- After uploading the pdf file copy the URL of the pdf file.
Step 5:- Now Replace the URL digit code below the code.
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Y3tv8vjpYZc3RhcnRlcl9maWxl/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>Start write the next paragraph here
Step 6:- After Replace URL copy all code.
Step 7:- Now you go to your blog page and click on the left-side pencil icon.
Step 8:- You will show two options but click on HTML View.
Step 9:- Now you pasted all copy code where you want.
Step 10:- Now is the last Step save the code and open the page.