How To Enable Dark Mode in Blogger ( auto switch dark mode)

The dark mode is a Great feature for your blog website, if you want to enable dark mode in your blogger website and want to know what are its benefits, then you have to read this article completely. Everything is explained step by step.
And friends, you will need CSS code to apply the Dark Mod feature, so I have provided all that to you in this article and also told you how you have to go to your blogger website and paste them.
What is Dark Mode In Blogger?
Dark Mode is a great feature for those people who visit your blogger or website at night and read articles, so friends here your user experience increases Dark Mode is such a feature that you also put in your blog and website.
In dark mode, everything looks black in the background and the fonts you see look white.
What Benefits Of Enable Dark Mode In Blogger
- When you use this feature, it will be considered a new experience for the user.
- By enabling dark mode, your users in Blogger will be able to read your article well even at night.
- By enabling dark mode, the energy of your users will be saved, so that you can read more and more articles on your blog.
- Aesthetics: Some users prefer dark mode more, due to which they mostly visit websites with dark mode so that their eyes are protected.
- Improved readability: If Bright Contrast is compared to Dark Mod for users, then Dark Mod increases readability for users.
Steps For Enable Dark Mode In Blogger
Step 1:- Login to blogger and go to the blogger dashboard
Step 2:- Go to the theme section and click on the edit HTML.
Step 3:- Find or Search <head> Tag.
Step 4:- Copy this below Meta Tag code and paste it below of <head> tag.
<meta content='dark light' name='color-scheme'/>
Step 5:- After Now following all steps Copy the below CSS Code.
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark){ :root { /* Paste your CSS code Below this Line */ } }
Step 6:- Copy the CSS code and paste it on the end of your blogger theme CSS code.
Step 7:- Now the last task is to save your code.
Friends, now if you have followed all the steps, then now you have to open your website and see, then you will see the dark mod feature enabled in your website after following these steps, you can enable the dark mod feature on any website.
If you have liked the information given by us in this article, then we have told here how you can enable the Dark Mod feature in any of your blogger websites by just pasting some code in any of your themes. If you like this information, then tell us by commenting