Strategies for encouraging kids to attend school

Going back to school, new schedules and extracurricular activities can cause apathy and discouragement in some boys and girls that prevent them from enjoying and relating to their environment in a way appropriate to their age.
For example, getting up early to go to class, doing homework after school, meeting new classmates or exploring unfamiliar extracurricular activities are some of the situations in which minors may not feel comfortable and do not find it attractive to do them.
In this sense, it is very important to develop the appropriate method so that boys and girls, with their particularities, face their daily lives actively and positively so that they can grow, learn and develop in all areas of life and the educational system.
That is why motivation is one of the fundamental aspects of carrying out and enjoying any activity: from reading a book to doing extracurricular homework, playing sports or learning a second language. Hence, we offer you some tips to motivate children to go to school.
Positive environment
Creating a conducive and appropriate environment at home, with the closest family unit, can mean the difference between positive motivation and frustration. With adequate motivation, minors will try harder, be more attentive to all stimuli and will face the difficulties of their daily lives more proactively.
For this, it is essential to carry out activities between parents and children, such as reading together, playing together or exploring the environment. The minor thus acquires more language, develops his social skills and improves his ability to understand and express himself. Some fundamental tools that will improve their adaptation to the school environment.
The importance of communication
Although the current pace of life of many parents makes it very difficult to combine work and family life, it is essential for children that parents show great interest in their daily lives, especially in schoolwork. The involvement of parents and the entire family nucleus is essential to promote learning, motivate, resolve conflicts and face problems that may exist.
For example, showing attention, prioritizing their communication when expressing the knowledge they have acquired at school and asking questions according to the learning topic, at all ages, is a good strategies to encourage them to continue positively with the Blue Bells Public School training. A task that all individuals in the family involved in the education of minors must take part in, from fathers, mothers, siblings and grandparents.
Limits, objectives and expectations
Another aspect to take into account when motivating minors is setting objectives that they must achieve. It must be taken into account that children are aware at all times of the perception that their parents have of them, so their behaviour often responds to the expectations that their parents have of them.
It is very important to set limits and objectives for each child since their abilities and peculiarities are specific to each child. With this, we will avoid demotivation and frustration. For example, in the field of studies, it is essential to pay attention to what subjects or fields of study interest you, what you excel at most, and where you have difficulty.
Identification of important aspects
Thanks to this, objectives can be set to motivate and enhance study or learning in those subjects that need it most. In addition, a conversation must be held so that the child understands how the teaching tasks are going to be approached. This situation must be even more constant as the child grows and completes stages in the educational system when studies become more specialized.
In this aspect, it must be the boy or girl himself who begins to establish his or her own goals to achieve objectives and be motivated. A good measure for this can be to write some notes at visible points of the house so that the child remembers his goals and is motivated.
However, these goals must be concrete and specific and must be worked on constantly and daily, but without saturation. For example, spending 20 or 30 minutes at home to enhance and remember the knowledge of the subjects in which the child has the most difficulties is a good methodology.
Thus, with these measurable, concrete and quantifiable objectives, children can observe their evolution and be aware of the achievement of objectives.
Leisure time
Another aspect to take into account is that the minor must have enough time to play, create and learn in other tasks that are not purely educational. This will help him clear his head, acquire other more pragmatic knowledge and be able to implement the learning he has learned at school. For example, when learning about plants or animals, a walk through the forest or field can be a good option for the child to identify the parts of a tree or animals.
In addition, you can enjoy pleasant family time. An extracurricular activity that must be included in your leisure time is sports. Its beneficial effects have been demonstrated as it improves attention span and memory, promotes the acquisition of healthy lifestyle habits and helps establish healthy social relationships with peers.
Parental involvement
In addition to all these measures, parents must have direct and fluid contact with the minor’s guardian, as well as with any other professional who is involved in their training, such as extracurricular activity monitors.
Parental involvement is essential to identify the aspects in which the child excels, the environment in which the child behaves positively or the environments in which the child finds it more difficult to motivate correctly.
Once the strengths, problems or conflicts that may appear have been located, appropriate measures can be adopted to enhance the minor’s weaknesses, even with a health professional if necessary.