How to add a custom html audio player in blogger website || Easy Guide!

If friends, you also want to install custom audio player in your blogger, then you have come to the right place, then in this article.
I will provide you audio player HTML code for blogger, using which you will be able to insert audio player in your blog and website.
And friends, if you want to make your blog website the most unique and show it, then you can put the audio player code in your blogger.
And it is a very easy process to apply it, then in this process you will know how you will embed the audio. player in blogger
What Is Audio Player In Blogger?
Friends, audio player blogger also has beans, as you listen to songs on YouTube, in the same way, you can listen to songs in blogger
by using audio player or you can call what you have written in your article through audio player, then its very useful. have all the advantages.
Benifits Of Audio Player In Blogger
- You can promote yourself in blogger through audio player
- You can increase the user experience of your user through audio player
- You can tell your article by speaking through audio player
- You can improve your SEO by installing audio player widget in blogger
How To Add A Custom HTML Audio Player In Blogegr Website?
So now I will tell you how you can embed audio player in blogger, which can be of great benefit to you, so let’s know what are the steps that you have to follow.
Step 1:- Go to the blogger dashboard
Step 2:- Go to the your Blog Post.
Step 3:- Click on the pencil icon and go to the HTML Viewer.
Step 4:- Copy All below the Audio player Html code.
1.Html code box
<figure > <figcaption>Listen to the the audio file</figcaption> <audio controls src="" type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </figure> <style>figure {margin: 0;} </style>
Step 5:- Paste all code in your blog post who want you to add audio player.
How To Change Audio In Audio Player
Step 1:- Go to the google drive.
Step 2:- Upload audio file in Google drive.
Step 3:- After Upload Click on the audio file and go to the “Get Link” button and click on it.
Step 4:- Restricted option select and click anyone with link option
Step 6:- Replace this number code from the audio player html code.
Step 7:– save it now.
So after doing all this setting, now your audio will be changed from audio player, so in this way you will be able to add any audio to audio player.
Friends, if you liked the information given by us that how you can put custom HTML audio player in any blog post in blogger, then you must tell us by commenting, then if you get similar information on this blog website, then you can read this article. You can also share with your friends