Limitations of Philips WhiteSpeed whitening lamps and how to overcome them?

For dental offices and clinics, it is worth choosing only the best equipment, because this not only makes the work of specialists easier, but also often brings many benefits to clients. A quick, high-quality and painless procedure is the best advertisement and guarantees that the patient will return again, most likely telling his friends about the clinic. This applies to both such complex and unpleasant procedures as removing a nerve or cleaning canals, as well as something more trivially cosmetic like teeth whitening.
Particularly good in this area is a device such as Philips Zoom – a portable but powerful whitening lamp with wide functionality. It will definitely fit even in the smallest dental office, performs well in cases of any complexity and is generally highly rated by experts around the world. However, even such a wonderful tool from a professional dentist like Philips zoom whitespeed, There are limitations that often prevent you from using the device with the highest possible efficiency. They can be removed, but this cannot be done without outside help.
What limitations of Philips Zoom may a dentist encounter when whitening teeth?
In order to understand what limitations Philips whitening devices from the lines may encounter zoom 3 и zoom 4, It is worth understanding the principle of operation of this dental instrument. When the system turns on, to activate its emission mode, it needs permission from a small, replaceable chip safely hidden in its casing. By turning off the device after completing the session with the client, this same chip will record this information in its memory. After several starts (namely 4 for modern models zoom discus), the device activates a hard limit and does not allow any more whitening.
To continue to be able to work with Philips Zoom, you will have to pay for a new consumable with a chip, and its price can reach several tens of thousands. It turns out that cunning manufacturers will not only charge you money for the device, but will also receive a good percentage from each teeth whitening. The dental clinic will suffer significantly due to the cost of consumables, which means prices will have to increase (which in itself can lead to a lot of troubles). This can only be dealt with if you hack Philips Zoom Lamp.
How to crack the limit of the bleaching lamp? In fact, everything is very simple – for this you just need to purchase a special bleach-infiniter chip with an unlimited number of uses.
How to bypass Philips Zoom limitations with the bleach-infiniter teeth whitening chip
The Bleach-infiniter chip is the latest development in the world of dentistry, which removes the limitations of the Philips Zoom whitening lamp. Teeth whitening with it will become a much cheaper procedure for the clinic, which means it will be cost-effective and more accessible to clients.
Whitening lamps will not fail or suddenly stop working – using this chip is completely safe. You just need to carefully replace it, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Infinite Whitening Chip provides a lot of benefits to those dental clinics that buy it. Among them are:
- permanent use of a bleach lamp;
- such a solution is cheaper than constantly replacing original chips;
- the ability to carry out several whitening procedures in a short period of time.
At the same time, there are no disadvantages to buying it – only advantages.